
Discover our new app!

Specially designed to offer you a unique and personalized shopping experience, right from your mobile device.

Available for Android and iOS

Our app is optimized for both platforms, ensuring a smooth experience tailored to your device.

Quick and easy sign-in

Connect with your Google account and access all the app's features in just a few seconds.

Integrated user profile

Access your user profile, view your orders, manage your details, and much more, all from the comfort of your mobile device. An experience similar to what you already know on our website, but now in your pocket.

Browse, discover, and shop

Explore our categories, find your favorite products, and add them to your cart. Make your purchases quickly and easily, with the entire Lucerna Hospitality catalog at your fingertips.

Your data always with you

Once you sign in with your account, we'll securely store all your information. So, on your next visits, you won't need to log in or add personal details to make a purchase. Everything's ready for you to enjoy an uninterrupted shopping experience!

Available for Android and iOS

Our app is optimized for both platforms, ensuring a smooth experience tailored to your device.

Quick and easy sign-in

Connect with your Google account and access all the app's features in just a few seconds.

Integrated user profile

Access your user profile, view your orders, manage your details, and much more, all from the comfort of your mobile device. An experience similar to what you already know on our website, but now in your pocket.

Browse, discover, and shop

Explore our categories, find your favorite products, and add them to your cart. Make your purchases quickly and easily, with the entire Lucerna Hospitality catalog at your fingertips.

Your data always with you

Once you sign in with your account, we'll securely store all your information. So, on your next visits, you won't need to log in or add personal details to make a purchase. Everything's ready for you to enjoy an uninterrupted shopping experience!

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